ron_n_beths pics:
Old Indian
ron_n_beths pics:
Old Indian close
ron_n_beths pics:
Trick or Trike
ron_n_beths pics:
Not for the faint of heart
ron_n_beths pics:
A work of art
ron_n_beths pics:
Henderson from saddle showing speedo.ampmeter,gear shift detail etc.
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Henderson from front
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Henderson DeLuxe,I think about 1927,35bhp at 3800rpm and capable of more than 100 mph,these were the "Rolls Royce" of motorcycles in there day,up close its built like a swiss watch,needless to say I took a lot of pics!
ron_n_beths pics:
1918 Indian
ron_n_beths pics:
Indian close up
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Indian motocycle side
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Indian motocycle left side,1918 type N18 1000cc,7hp,no front brake,tiny rear brake,Crikey they were brave riders back then! Its a thing of beauty though,supurbly made.
ron_n_beths pics:
1918 Indian single,the detail in the half eleptic leaf suspension back and front and the attention to detail on the whole bike is supurb!
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Indian single detail
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Indian Road bike 1918,supurb detail and construction of every part,beautifully restored too!
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Wonderfull wooden workmanship.