ron_n_beths pics: Derby main street-1958/9
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_048 Derby Single mens quarters
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_047 Derby Picture house
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_044 Derby whalf-TC-29.8ft
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_017 Derby cattle trough-1958
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_124 Kimberley road
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_043 DC3 at Derby airport
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_022 Camballin homestead
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_023 Camballin homestead
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_020 Houses at Camballin
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_091 Harvesting the last of Kim Durack's rice
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_092 Kim's last plot-Nov 59
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_024 Uralla creek Pump station
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_025 Uralla pumps-1958
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_138 Uralla Dam
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_119 Uralla Dam
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_107 Pumps at Barrage
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_034 Rice feilds looking from Rose Hill
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_058 Flood from Rose Hill
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_063 Heading for Rose Hill
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_064 Heading for Uralla creek
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_074 Roo's in trouble
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_060 Looking across the floodplain
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_062 Looking back towards Camballin
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_089 ,Ron bogged,radioing for help,circa 1968,after the "Wet"
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_079 After the flood
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_082 After the flood
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_083 Another crop going in
ron_n_beths pics: 2-2-2011_084 Another long dusty day