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Ant lion lacewing
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Lacewing larvae
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Green Lace wing
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Lacewing larva
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Ant Lion-Lacewing
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Ant Lion-Lacewing b
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Lace-wing up close
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Eye to eye
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Loaded up with bodies!
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Green Lacewing at rest (1),Chrysopidae.
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Myrmeleontidae,green lacewing larvae,I observed it for awhile,it added many bits to the load as it trundled around,very interesting!
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My finger for scale! It loads all its left over victims on its back so the other wild life will not eat it,good thinking!
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Green lacewing larvae closeup,Myrmeleontidae.It loads rubbish and leftover victims on its back as protection from birds and other attackers.I have a few different reference books here and they are called different names so hopefully this one is right.
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Busy little bug,Chrysopidae,Green Lacewing,Chrysopa sp.,larvae,they place things on thier backs to avoid being eaten and as I watched it added numerous objects to its back.
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Spoonwinged Lacewing male at rest
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Spoonwinged Lacewing at rest,female.
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Spoonwinged Lacewing at rest Nov23
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Side view of Lacewing,it was hot and windy and getting these images was quite difficult,most times they were in foliage but here they are!
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Spoon Winged Lacewing
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Close up.
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Objects carried on its back include victims and any other things they come accross,have seen them try different odjects tiny sticks pebbles etc.
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Oh dear ive put my foot in it this time!