doc 1.0: CIMG0288 Piazza Navona
doc 1.0: CIMG0289 Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi - Fountain of the four great rivers - Piazza Navona
doc 1.0: CIMG0290 Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi - Fountain of the four great rivers - Piazza Navona
doc 1.0: CIMG0291 Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi - Fountain of the four great rivers - Piazza Navona
doc 1.0: CIMG0292 Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi - Fountain of the four great rivers - Piazza Navona
doc 1.0: CIMG0293 Fontana dei Quattro Fiumi - Fountain of the four great rivers - Piazza Navona
doc 1.0: CIMG0324 Palatine Hill
doc 1.0: CIMG0325 Palatine Hill
doc 1.0: CIMG0326 Stadium, Palatine Hill
doc 1.0: CIMG0347 Santa Maria della Vittoria - Bernini's Ecstasy of St Teresa, in Via Veneto
doc 1.0: CIMG0365 Bramante's Tempietto, in Janiculum - possible location where Peter was crucified
doc 1.0: CIMG0367 Bramante's Tempietto, in Janiculum - possible location where Peter was crucified
doc 1.0: CIMG0368 Bramante's Tempietto, in Janiculum - possible location where Peter was crucified
doc 1.0: CIMG0375 Area Sacra dell'Argentina, where Julius Caesar was murdered, in Campo de' Fiori
doc 1.0: CIMG0376 Area Sacra dell'Argentina, where Julius Caesar was murdered, in Campo de' Fiori
doc 1.0: CIMG0377 Area Sacra dell'Argentina, where Julius Caesar was murdered, in Campo de' Fiori
doc 1.0: CIMG0378 Area Sacra dell'Argentina, where Julius Caesar was murdered, in Campo de' Fiori
doc 1.0: CIMG0379 Circus Maximus in Aventine
doc 1.0: CIMG0380 Domus Augustana on Palatine Hill, from Circus Maximus
doc 1.0: CIMG0381 Santa Maria Maggiore, in Esquiline
doc 1.0: CIMG0383 Michelangelo's Moses in San Pietro in Vincoli, in Esquiline
doc 1.0: CIMG0384 Michelangelo's Moses in San Pietro in Vincoli, in Esquiline
doc 1.0: CIMG0385 Saint Peter's chains reliquary in San Pietro in Vincoli, in Esquiline
doc 1.0: CIMG0387 Scala Santa stairs, in Lateran
doc 1.0: CIMG0388 Scala Santa stairs, in Lateran
doc 1.0: CIMG0389 San Giovanni in Laterano, in Lateran
doc 1.0: CIMG0390 Roman acqueduct in Lateran
doc 1.0: CIMG0391 Roman acqueduct in Lateran
doc 1.0: CIMG0392 Porta Maggiore gate in Lateran
doc 1.0: CIMG0393 Roman acqueduct in Lateran