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dobos3645: The Canadian Team at WMOC 2008, Portugal
dobos3645: The old town where we were running. Leiria, from the castle
dobos3645: The castle, Leiria
dobos3645: DSC04279_DxO-1
dobos3645: Sprint final on the streets of Praia de Vierira
dobos3645: Sprint final action
dobos3645: Finishing the sprint final, Praia da Vieira
dobos3645: On to the next one
dobos3645: Peter in action, long final, Pedrogao
dobos3645: Ilona in action, long final, Pedrogao
dobos3645: Last minute instructions
dobos3645: Oh what fun...
dobos3645: Techies
dobos3645: Start, relay, Manitoba
dobos3645: Relay, Manitoba
dobos3645: Emily Kamp; relay, Manitoba
dobos3645: Relay, Manitoba
dobos3645: Relay, Manitoba
dobos3645: COC sprint finish, Manitoba
dobos3645: The Stars at Spirit Sands, Manitoba
dobos3645: IMG_1559
dobos3645: IMG_1566
dobos3645: IMG_1569
dobos3645: IMG_1594