dnunez_za: Full size Tron lightcycle
dnunez_za: Chessex booth - just dice
dnunez_za: Castle crashers PS3 pseudo arcade machine
dnunez_za: Mortal Kombat 4 character select
dnunez_za: Mortal Kombat 4 booth
dnunez_za: Oni press booth
dnunez_za: Ankama booth
dnunez_za: Steve takes a picture with his big lens
dnunez_za: I contributed this platypus-racoon beasty to the decor
dnunez_za: Fantasy hardcore meets plastic guitar game
dnunez_za: Great tower of Pink Gorillas
dnunez_za: Jon St. John, voice of Duke Nukem, signs an autograph
dnunez_za: Act now while stocks last at the Ankama booth
dnunez_za: Ankama lead artist has a new fangirl
dnunez_za: Wil Wheaton shares a moment with a fellow DnD fan
dnunez_za: Mike and Jerry meet the fans
dnunez_za: Some games never get old
dnunez_za: OnLive rep throws coupons into the crowd
dnunez_za: Beware the Big Daddy
dnunez_za: full-size Fallout Vegas dinosaur eats motel sign
dnunez_za: Cardboard tube samurai has appeared
dnunez_za: Ankama lead artist works on a piece
dnunez_za: Today's game is your doom