DNSF David Newman:
First-ever Google Hangout Transcontinental iPad Portrait: Jules Minsky, 29 Years After my First Digital Portrait of Jules Painted In 1982 on a Via Video System One.
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Bill Atkinson at Work on his iPad App Photocard Today
DNSF David Newman:
DNSF iPad Portrait of Woz: GENTRY Magazine's August 2011 Cover
DNSF David Newman:
First Android Portrait: Joy Robbins of 4.0 Schools, New Orleans, at Mega Startup Weekend Today - Microsoft Mountain View
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Ron Gutman of TEDxSV
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Kimberly Dillon of House of Mikko at Women 2.0 Founder Labs
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Keiko Yamamoto at GTUG Campout Tonight
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Vanessa Tiegs
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of AbdulKarriem Ali Khan at Techcrunch Disrupt Hackathon This Morning
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Pamela Fox at the GTUG Campout Opening Session at Google
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Don Magnin