DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of AbdulKarriem Ali Khan at Techcrunch Disrupt Hackathon This Morning
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Ben Fisher, Interactive Creative: SkinnyAndBald.com at NYC Startup Weekend
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Catherine Waggoner at Startup Weekend Tonight
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Ann My Thai, Assistant Director of The Joan Ganz Cooney Center at Sesame Workshop, at Startup Weekend Education
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Elizabeth Ysmay Gray in a Beanbag Chair Upstairs in the Corridor in the Sunlight at iOSDevCamp 2010
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Danielle Morrill of Twilio.com at Startup Weekend at PayPal HQ
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of S. Sriram, founder of BrowserEggs.com at Twitter Annotations Hackfest, Twitter HQ
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Howard Rheingold at Work Writing his Book "Net Smart" in his Garden: "Welcome to My World"
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Kimberly Dillon of House of Mikko at Women 2.0 Founder Labs
DNSF David Newman:
iPad Portrait of Dominique Monet et Adrien Arculeo Chez Moi Aujourd'hui