daveburke.com: Whatever it takes, pt. 2
daveburke.com: Completely stuck.
daveburke.com: Waiting to get into Union Station
daveburke.com: Union Station Debacle
daveburke.com: Overheard:
daveburke.com: What seemed to be needless congestion at Union Station
daveburke.com: IMG_2703
daveburke.com: Waiting in line for no reason
daveburke.com: Union Station line
daveburke.com: Walking out of the city
daveburke.com: Looking East
daveburke.com: East from Lincoln Memorial
daveburke.com: Monument and Reflecting Pool
daveburke.com: Chillin' with Lincoln.
daveburke.com: IMG_2693
daveburke.com: Faces
daveburke.com: Faces
daveburke.com: Faces
daveburke.com: Travis
daveburke.com: Bush and birds
daveburke.com: After the ceremony
daveburke.com: WWII Memorial and Washington Monument
daveburke.com: Lincoln Memorial
daveburke.com: Frozen Reflecting Pool
daveburke.com: Frozen Reflecting Pool
daveburke.com: Travis paying attention
daveburke.com: Travis
daveburke.com: Obamatron
daveburke.com: Obama