Dave_G_Stewart: Smoke before the battle
Dave_G_Stewart: 'You took my last cookie'
Dave_G_Stewart: 'Now now, steady on...'
Dave_G_Stewart: 'You call me an animal, let me show you the beast I can be'
Dave_G_Stewart: Attack in motion
Dave_G_Stewart: Wuuuut!?
Dave_G_Stewart: Wait, wait... it's his fault not mine
Dave_G_Stewart: How do I get Pokemon Go on this thing!
Dave_G_Stewart: Listening to the crowd
Dave_G_Stewart: Moment of reflection
Dave_G_Stewart: ...Look at this lot, rabble the lot of them...
Dave_G_Stewart: 'Him' over there...
Dave_G_Stewart: Rousing the rabble
Dave_G_Stewart: Sanctuary
Dave_G_Stewart: Steady on now, let me get a word in please
Dave_G_Stewart: Eye on everyone
Dave_G_Stewart: Tough work protecting the realm
Dave_G_Stewart: Attack from the front, they won't see you coming
Dave_G_Stewart: Got your back