Chestnutsided: Least Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Least Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Song Sparrow - juvenile
Chestnutsided: Song Sparrow - juvenile
Chestnutsided: Purple Martin - juvenile
Chestnutsided: Great Egret
Chestnutsided: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Long-billed Dowitcher
Chestnutsided: Eastern Kingbird
Chestnutsided: Robin - banded and with worm
Chestnutsided: Yellow Warbler - female
Chestnutsided: Bobolink - female
Chestnutsided: Gadwall - female
Chestnutsided: Semipalmated Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Semipalmated Plover and Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Semipalmated Plover and Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Semipalmated Plover
Chestnutsided: Greater Yellowlegs
Chestnutsided: Semipalmated Plovers