Chestnutsided: Sparrow ?
Chestnutsided: Sparrow ?
Chestnutsided: Semipalmated and Least Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Semipalmated and Least Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Least Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Least Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Least Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Least Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Least Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Least Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Least Sandpiper
Chestnutsided: Snowy Egret
Chestnutsided: Snowy Egret
Chestnutsided: Red Tailed Hawk
Chestnutsided: Red Tailed Hawk and Tree Swallows
Chestnutsided: Tree Swallows