Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: White-crowned Sparrow
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Juvi White-crowned Sparrow
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: I think this was a juvenile House Finch
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Eagle making a low pass over the sewage ponds
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Eagle making a low pass over the sewage ponds
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Great Blue Heron in the sewage ponds
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Warbler, most likely yellow-rumped
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Warbler, most likely yellow-rumped
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Yellow-rumped Warbler
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: One of 4 eagles sitting on pilings on the north fork of the Fraser River
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Long-billed Dowitchers
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: I think this is a Lincoln's Sparrow
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: I think this is a Lincoln's Sparrow
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: I think this is a Lincoln's Sparrow
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: I think this is a Lincoln's Sparrow
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: White-crowned Sparrow
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: White-crowned Sparrow