Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Long-Billed Curlew with Northern Pintails & American Wigeons
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Marbled Godwit with Northern Pintails
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Female Northern Pintail
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Long-Billed Curlew going for a walk
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Double-Crested Cormorant Convention
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Great Blue Heron dressed up for New Years' Eve
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Surf Scoter eating Mussel
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Female White-Winged Scoter
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Barrow's Goldeneye with Surf Scoter
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Female Long-Tailed Duck at White Rock Pier
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Bufflehead with tail fanned out