Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Columbian Ground Squirrels near the lodge
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel. Please notice the small cheeks before he gets fed.
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Townsend's Warbler at the lower parking lot
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Nashville Warbler at the lower parking lot
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: We did a little birding at the lower parking lot while waiting for the others to arrive.
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Evening Grosbeak at the lower parking lot
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Our (small) group photo. Where did everybody go?
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Hopefully we are going the right way.
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Tom feeding a Gray Jay
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Tom feeding a Gray Jay again.
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Tom: "Where did that bird go?"
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Now Tom is feeding a Clark's Nutcracker
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Gerhard is getting a head massage. Notice the cheeks on the ground squirrel.