Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Violet-Green Swallow
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Tree Swallow in the community garden area
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Tree Swallow (female)
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Great Blue Heron watching the grebes
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Pied-billed Grebe with a meal for its chick
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Somehow, the chick gets that meal down its gullet
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Pied-billed Grebe family
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Pied-billed Grebe and chick
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Hooded Merganser family, with a different kind of duckling on the far right
Delta Naturalists Casual Birding: Brown-headed Cowbird (female)