poopoorama: too many people in the kitchen!
poopoorama: aren't they a little young to be at the bar?
poopoorama: the spread
poopoorama: getting food
poopoorama: kasey
poopoorama: the girls' table
poopoorama: my sister and my dad
poopoorama: danny and brian
poopoorama: brian and brian
poopoorama: sneak attack
poopoorama: the girls pose
poopoorama: debbie and the tree
poopoorama: ds time
poopoorama: swing the baby
poopoorama: recital
poopoorama: the audience
poopoorama: we need more drinks
poopoorama: trevor
poopoorama: kasey
poopoorama: ricky
poopoorama: debbie
poopoorama: jonina will play "the clown"
poopoorama: boogie, mai
poopoorama: silly dog tricks
poopoorama: ride 'em, kiddo
poopoorama: shao-fu shows off his "skills"
poopoorama: song and dance
poopoorama: mika wants in on the performance