poopoorama: birthday shadow hop
poopoorama: post-birthday daze
poopoorama: andrea's got hops
poopoorama: kayley wants to be like poo
poopoorama: be like poo goes international
poopoorama: touristy hijinks in fan tan alley
poopoorama: are we there yet?
poopoorama: ooo... can i touch?
poopoorama: chuck
poopoorama: she is so elegant
poopoorama: smoochies
poopoorama: james and the giant burger
poopoorama: tee-hee
poopoorama: racing time
poopoorama: go, go, go!
poopoorama: vroom!
poopoorama: oh, i don't know about this
poopoorama: smile for the camera
poopoorama: i'm a bear and i smell kids in my cave
poopoorama: canada day jump with andrea and chuck
poopoorama: canada day jump with kristen
poopoorama: canada day jump with kristen and mason
poopoorama: canada day jump with brittney and kayley
poopoorama: chuck's got some made scooter hopping skillz!
poopoorama: benn gets in on the jumping action the only way he knows how
poopoorama: this is canada day
poopoorama: kayley's art hop
poopoorama: erika's art hop