poopoorama: hello, please to have some beer
poopoorama: what are you doing down there?
poopoorama: whaaaaa???
poopoorama: how close is too close?
poopoorama: rob scoping for his next shot
poopoorama: watch your step
poopoorama: whoa...
poopoorama: excuse me! i'm trying to set up a shot here!
poopoorama: hurdle
poopoorama: summer calm
poopoorama: mmm... ice cream
poopoorama: chilling in front of the colophon cafe
poopoorama: silly people
poopoorama: hmm... which beer to have...
poopoorama: oh please oh please don't put that in my ear
poopoorama: gelato heaven
poopoorama: red madness
poopoorama: beer vision
poopoorama: bubble bubble
poopoorama: utility