dmuth: Food for the Sponsor Lounge
dmuth: Food for the Sponsor Lounge
dmuth: Food for the Sponsor Lounge
dmuth: Max, Gir's cat
dmuth: Ramen that came with my sponsorship
dmuth: My conbadge
dmuth: Loading up
dmuth: Halfway done
dmuth: Nik grabs some food
dmuth: Drinks for the Sponsor lounge
dmuth: Gir drops off registration supplies
dmuth: Conbadges
dmuth: Bushycat and friend palying pool
dmuth: View from my hotel room
dmuth: View from my hotel room
dmuth: Walkways on the second floor
dmuth: Walkways on the second floor
dmuth: Jiba in the Sponsor lounge
dmuth: Jiba in the Sponsor lounge
dmuth: Two kegs of beer for the beer room
dmuth: Soda cooler
dmuth: Soda cooler
dmuth: Slushie machine
dmuth: Gir's Wok
dmuth: Sponsor lounge
dmuth: Tables stacked for the laser emitters
dmuth: Setting up the dance
dmuth: Two plushies
dmuth: Two plushies
dmuth: Alcohol Abuse