dmuth: Kitty cat
dmuth: Kitty cat
dmuth: Kitty cat
dmuth: Kitty cat
dmuth: Kitty cat
dmuth: Dealers' Room
dmuth: John Hall
dmuth: Uncle Kage takes his role a little too seriously
dmuth: Uncle Kage argues with the statue
dmuth: Consuite
dmuth: Consuite
dmuth: Consuite
dmuth: Wine tasting
dmuth: Wine tasting
dmuth: Consuite
dmuth: Dorsai Irregulars Room Party
dmuth: Filking
dmuth: John Hall filking
dmuth: Carol Gobeyn, Rene Gobeyn, and T'Chall
dmuth: Origami
dmuth: Origami Porn
dmuth: Origami Porn
dmuth: Filking
dmuth: Uncle Kage, John Hall, and Ann Cecil (RIP)
dmuth: More wine tasting
dmuth: More filking
dmuth: Dorsai Irregulars Room Party
dmuth: Dorsai Irregulars Room Party
dmuth: Dorsai Irregulars Room Party
dmuth: Steve Simmons filking