dmuth: A vein of coal
dmuth: DSC04025.JPG
dmuth: DSC04024.JPG
dmuth: A vertical tunnel along a vein
dmuth: Looking down a shaft
dmuth: A vertical tunnel along a vein
dmuth: It was a bit chilly inside the mine!
dmuth: A map of the mine
dmuth: A map of the mine
dmuth: The phone
dmuth: Petrified tree
dmuth: A vertical tunnel along a vein
dmuth: The fire extinguisher was not OEM ;-)
dmuth: Our guide, a kindly Irish fellow
dmuth: Inside the mine car
dmuth: One of the "gangways"
dmuth: DSC04009.JPG
dmuth: Looking down the train track
dmuth: Hi Erika!
dmuth: DSC04005.JPG
dmuth: DSC04004.JPG