Dainer: B-fast art
Dainer: the pretty flowers
Dainer: devoted worker
Dainer: chop chop talk talk chop
Dainer: oranges
Dainer: can you guess?
Dainer: restrooms?
Dainer: we have oranges
Dainer: easter music
Dainer: barb's head
Dainer: the rest of Barb
Dainer: easter bonnet
Dainer: refreshments
Dainer: break time
Dainer: Cory "the washer" thomas
Dainer: beware the spatula
Dainer: food for everyone
Dainer: looks good!
Dainer: enjoy
Dainer: patti and dain
Dainer: the head of the meal
Dainer: break time 2
Dainer: pancakes from the director
Dainer: where the majic happens