Dave Strom: Buses, Westminster Bridge
Dave Strom: Victoria Tower
Dave Strom: Pedestrian - cyclist advisory on a trash bin, Queen's Walk
Dave Strom: Elizabeth Tower
Dave Strom: Special Operations Executive (SOE) Memorial
Dave Strom: Vintage Telephone Booth
Dave Strom: London Eye
Dave Strom: Another view of Victoria Tower
Dave Strom: Pensively gazing at the Thames
Dave Strom: Lunch break at a park on the north side of the Thames
Dave Strom: An engrossed reader on the north side of the Thames
Dave Strom: Lion statuette, Houses of Parliament
Dave Strom: King Richard the Lionheart, Houses of Parliament
Dave Strom: I think the purple trim means that these bewigged folks are judges
Dave Strom: Mary and a London Bobby outside Parliament
Dave Strom: Detail, London Eye
Dave Strom: An array of Boris bikes, Fulham Broadway
Dave Strom: Intriguing statue some blocks west of the Tate Great Britain Museum
Dave Strom: 'City of Brompton'
Dave Strom: Boris Bike in a docking mechanism
Dave Strom: Enjoying a bag of chips on the banks of the Thames
Dave Strom: St George Wharf is a mixed-use riverside development, situated next to Vauxhall Bridge
Dave Strom: A makeshift box protects this statue adjacent to a construction site
Dave Strom: Shopkeeper surveys his wares, Gift Shop, Tate Great Britain Museum
Dave Strom: Posters decorate a hallway at the Tate Great Britain Museum
Dave Strom: Art installation, Tate Great Britain Museum
Dave Strom: Taking a snapshot, Tate Great Britain Museum
Dave Strom: Artwork, Tate Great Britain Museum
Dave Strom: Art student sketching, Tate Great Britain Museum
Dave Strom: Photo detail, Tate Great Britain Museum