Daniel M Perez: My bag is packed
Daniel M Perez: Welcome to Gen Con
Daniel M Perez: Gen Con or Bust
Daniel M Perez: My Room
Daniel M Perez: My Room
Daniel M Perez: My Room
Daniel M Perez: My Room
Daniel M Perez: View From Here -- Embassy Suites, Indianapolis, Indiana
Daniel M Perez: Ready to Play
Daniel M Perez: Embassy Suites Lobby
Daniel M Perez: Menu at The Ram
Daniel M Perez: Star Wars PocketModels - Oversized Edition
Daniel M Perez: Star Wars PocketModels - Oversized Edition
Daniel M Perez: Star Wars PocketModels - Oversized Edition
Daniel M Perez: Warming Up for the Attendees
Daniel M Perez: Cardhalla
Daniel M Perez: Tall Scotsman
Daniel M Perez: The Exhibit Hall Opens
Daniel M Perez: Universal War Epic-scale Miniatures Battles
Daniel M Perez: Universal War Epic-scale Miniatures Battles
Daniel M Perez: Alpha & Omega RPG - Angel
Daniel M Perez: Heroscape
Daniel M Perez: Podcasting Panel - Podcasting 101
Daniel M Perez: Podcasting Panel - Podcasting 101
Daniel M Perez: Podcasting Panel - Podcasting 101
Daniel M Perez: Podcasting Panel - Podcasting 101
Daniel M Perez: WizKids Booth
Daniel M Perez: Kenzer & Co. Booth
Daniel M Perez: Mound o' Plushies
Daniel M Perez: The Play Collective Booth