Daniel M Perez: Mari & Carlos - "Kickstart My Heart"
Daniel M Perez: Karaoke? Us? No way!
Daniel M Perez: Danny - "Just Like Heaven"
Daniel M Perez: Muy Gothico
Daniel M Perez: It's fun to stay at the...
Daniel M Perez: "Y.M.C.A."
Daniel M Perez: Danny & Yvette - "Wild Thing"
Daniel M Perez: Wild thing, I think I love you.
Daniel M Perez: But I wanna know for sure...
Daniel M Perez: You move me.
Daniel M Perez: Karaoke Party
Daniel M Perez: Karaoke Party
Daniel M Perez: Danny - "Faith"
Daniel M Perez: Cause I gotta have Faith
Daniel M Perez: Danny & Carlos - "Living on a Prayer"
Daniel M Perez: We gotta hold on to what we got.