Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Cottonwood Borer: Plectrodera scalator (Cerambycidae)
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Cysteodemus wislizeni (Meloidae)
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Tortoise Beetle: Gratiana pallidula (Chrysomelidae)
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Cysteodemus wislizeni (Meloidae)
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Golofa pizarro (Dynastinae)
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Jamaican Sunset Moth, Urania sloanus - Female
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Plagiocephalus latifrons (Ulidiidae: Ulidiinae)
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Cicindela lengi?
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Cicindela purpurea purpurea - Female
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Brown Recluse Spider: Loxosceles reclusa - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Cicindela sexguttata - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Chlorion sp. (Sphecidae)
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Festive Tiger Beetle: Cicindela scutellaris scutelliars - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Splendid Tiger Beetle: Cicindela scutellaris scutellaris - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Splendid Tiger Beetle: Cicindela scutellaris scutelliars - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Splendid Tiger Beetle: Cicindela scutellaris scutelliars - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Splendid Tiger Beetle: Cicindela scutellaris scutelliars - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Splendid Tiger Beetle, Cicindela splendida - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Go Broncos! Carabus hispanus
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Head topography
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Cicindela chinensis japonica - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Lucanus mazama
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Abdomen of an Orchid Bee
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Cicindela limbalis - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Graphipterus serrator
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Cicindela politula politula - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Cicindela politula politula - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Lamprima aurata - Male
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Megascolia sp. (Scoliidae)
Specimens from the Zoology Collections at the DMNS:
Onthophagus mouhoti