dmleese: Charles Leese family
dmleese: Charlie and Emma Wedding Day
dmleese: Charlie Leese family
dmleese: Dad, Don, Carl, Leroy, Minnie
dmleese: Emma Bollinger Age 12
dmleese: Flora Mellott
dmleese: Flora Jane Mellott
dmleese: Flora with quilt
dmleese: Flora, Joe and Mary Mellott
dmleese: Flora, Mary and Viola Mellott
dmleese: GrandDad and Mae
dmleese: Gene, Danny and Judy with lambs
dmleese: Jos. B. Mellott family
dmleese: Leese and Gailey families
dmleese: Leese boys at orphanage
dmleese: Leese kids w-o Joe
dmleese: Rev. John and Lou Mellott
dmleese: Rev John Mellott family
dmleese: Thornton Mellott
dmleese: Uncle Joe Mellott
dmleese: Velma
dmleese: Velma and Lorna
dmleese: Velma and Lorna
dmleese: Velma HS Senior
dmleese: Velma
dmleese: Velma's grandparents
dmleese: Vernon and Don trapping
dmleese: Vernon and Velma 50th Anniv.
dmleese: Vernon and Velma on Gator
dmleese: Vernon and Velma Wedding Day