dmills727: Thamnophis proximus (Western Ribbon Snake)
dmills727: Thamnophis proximus
dmills727: Micah
dmills727: Agkistrodon piscivorous (Cottonmouth)
dmills727: Whence the name "Cottonmouth"
dmills727: Sceloporous undulatus (N. Fence Lizard)
dmills727: Swamp on One Side of the Road
dmills727: Bluffs Facing South on the Other Side of the Road
dmills727: Snake Skin
dmills727: Ant Lion Pits under the Bluffs
dmills727: Thamnophis sirtalis (Common Garter) Climbing the Bluffs
dmills727: Stephen
dmills727: Thamnophis proximus (W. Ribbon Snake) on the Bluffs
dmills727: Plenty of Places to Spend the Winter
dmills727: Eurycea longicauda (Long-Tailed Salamander)
dmills727: Eurycea longicauda (Long-Tailed Salamander) in its Habitat
dmills727: Luna!
dmills727: Tucked Away
dmills727: Hibernaculum
dmills727: Copperhead : Agkistrodon contortrix
dmills727: Out on a Limb
dmills727: "Did God really say..."
dmills727: A Snake in the Hand
dmills727: Thamnophis proximus proximus : Orange-Striped Ribbon Snake (a western ribbon snake subspecies)
dmills727: Redback and Long-Tail Salamander Hanging Out Together
dmills727: Cottonmouth Upclose and Personal
dmills727: Rough Green Snake