dmills727: Red Eared Slider with Carp
dmills727: Passion Flower
dmills727: Terrapene carolina triunguis : Three-toed Box Turtle
dmills727: Netted
dmills727: Fence Lizard
dmills727: Cooperation
dmills727: not yet identified
dmills727: pattern in the rock
dmills727: Sceloporus undulatus : Northern Fence Lizard
dmills727: Fence Lizard
dmills727: Lying in Wait
dmills727: Tufted Titmouse
dmills727: Tufted Titmouse
dmills727: unidentified damselfly
dmills727: odd characters on [lamb's ear plant?]
dmills727: I really liked this rock but did not feel I should collect it...
dmills727: Dragonflies Over Downtown
dmills727: I liked these matching trees in a row
dmills727: Daniel with Fern (and wet feet)
dmills727: Greer Spring Branch, near the spring
dmills727: IMG_2549.JPG
dmills727: Anything for a good shot...
dmills727: IMG_2544.JPG
dmills727: Greer Spring Branch, near the spring
dmills727: Greer Spring -- 220,000,000 gallons of water a day!
dmills727: Cottonmouth Neonate (note sulphur-tipped tail)
dmills727: IMG_2499
dmills727: Cottonmouth
dmills727: Cottonmouth
dmills727: Cottonmouth