mona_dee: .kohlrabi.λαχανόγουλο.chou-rave.colinabo
mona_dee: .piano.
mona_dee: Mouse with closed eyes
mona_dee: Here and there be nowhere sometimes
mona_dee: Before the show begins
mona_dee: .original and fake.
mona_dee: What do you see?
mona_dee: In the office...
mona_dee: I´m waiting for you...
mona_dee: School´s out for autumn
mona_dee: School´s out, no more pencils, no more books
mona_dee: I´m searching for my other half to go on on my way of life
mona_dee: The shoe that doesn´t fit...
mona_dee: .with stranger.
mona_dee: This is for you, you know I´m gonna miss you like crazy!
mona_dee: Sometimes friendship goes through ups and downs. Wrong patterns set in; external situations cause internal friction; you grow apart and then bounce back together.
mona_dee: I´m changing ... like the weather
mona_dee: We are similar but different
mona_dee: When walking through the 'valley of shadows,' remember, a shadow is cast by a light
mona_dee: Sit down and enjoy - there are enough chairs for the whole family
mona_dee: Have you never felt a peculiar sort of worry about the chairs in your living room that no one sits in?
mona_dee: A woman who changes her hairstyle is about to change her life.
mona_dee: If you need a fast change in your life - take a wig
mona_dee: Baby you can drive my car...
mona_dee: Sometimes the breakdown and the repair are happening simultaneously...
mona_dee: Do you remember the good old times?
mona_dee: Maggi makes magic (sorry, just because of the rhyme ;-) )
mona_dee: Love comes in every shade
mona_dee: This is my colourful universe. Do you want to share it with me?
mona_dee: I love to go barefoot.