mona_dee: OK, I will stay with black&white for a while
mona_dee: Back from sport / Zurück vom Sport
mona_dee: Enchained to time / Gefesselt an die Zeit
mona_dee: Looking up and looking down
mona_dee: 16 h 29...and he is always watching you!
mona_dee: Down the staircase...and maybe up again?
mona_dee: Sigh! Dreaming of Venice...
mona_dee: Into the light? Only by foot!
mona_dee: Climbing up the red carpet is exhausting!
mona_dee: Lunch Break, Mittagspause
mona_dee: Wall on Wall : The Game / Mauer auf der Mauer : Das Spiel
mona_dee: Wall on Wall: The Ladder / Mauer auf der Mauer : Die Leiter
mona_dee: Boating
mona_dee: Resting / Ausruhen
mona_dee: Men at Work / Männer bei der Arbeit