mona_dee: Blick nach unten
mona_dee: Wintersonne
mona_dee: old tree
mona_dee: Schneefeld
mona_dee: Blick auf die Felder
mona_dee: Preetz marketplace
mona_dee: christmas in Preetz
mona_dee: first frost 1
mona_dee: Mühlenbarbek20
mona_dee: Mühlenbarbek2
mona_dee: Mühlenbarbek10
mona_dee: Mühlenbarbek2
mona_dee: Mühlenbarbek1
mona_dee: Place with a view
mona_dee: Horses
mona_dee: March - Four Trees
mona_dee: durch den Schnee
mona_dee: All relationships go through hell sometimes, real friendships get through it.
mona_dee: Advice is like snow - the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon, and the deeper it sinks into the mind.
mona_dee: My dear, you need more sleep, count sheep!
mona_dee: Me: I really can´t stay. Bed: But Baby, it is cold outside
mona_dee: Promises to keep
mona_dee: In the depth of winter I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer (Albert Camus)
mona_dee: Change of mood
mona_dee: birds, flying even in severe storm
mona_dee: Februar (33)
mona_dee: Februar (34)
mona_dee: Februar (35)
mona_dee: Februar (36)
mona_dee: Februar (37)