DMF Photography: Savannah Sparrow
DMF Photography: Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher
DMF Photography: Red-Bellied Woodpecker Male
DMF Photography: Nanday Parakeet
DMF Photography: Brown-Headed Cowbird Male
DMF Photography: Nanday Parakeet Portrait
DMF Photography: Black Swan
DMF Photography: Ring-Billed Gulls Wings
DMF Photography: Mute Swan
DMF Photography: Northern Cardinal Male
DMF Photography: Red-Shouldered Hawk Hunts
DMF Photography: Red-Shouldered Hawk Hunts
DMF Photography: Red-Shouldered Hawk Hunts
DMF Photography: Anhinga Male with Catfish
DMF Photography: Muscovy Bathes
DMF Photography: Pekin Duck Flaps
DMF Photography: Cayuga Duck (Bred from Mallards)
DMF Photography: Muscovy Duck Lands
DMF Photography: Lesser Scaup
DMF Photography: Bald Eagle Lands with Prey
DMF Photography: Bald Eagle Lands with Prey
DMF Photography: Bald Eagle IF with Nesting Materials
DMF Photography: Loggerhead Shrike with Prey
DMF Photography: Sandhill Crane with Prey Flip
DMF Photography: Greater Yellowlegs
DMF Photography: Roseate Spoonbill Takes Off
DMF Photography: Roseate Spoonbill Takes Off
DMF Photography: Roseate Spoonbill IF
DMF Photography: Roseate Spoonbill Lands