DMF Photography:
Peregrine Falcon Fledgling
DMF Photography:
Brazilian Skipper
DMF Photography:
Peregrine Falcon Fledgling Take-Off
DMF Photography:
Peregrine Falcon Fledgling Calling for Breakfast
DMF Photography:
Turkey Vulture Lands
DMF Photography:
Peregrine Fledgling IF
DMF Photography:
Canada Goose Portrait
DMF Photography:
Peregrine Falcon Fledgling
DMF Photography:
Peregrine Falcon Fledgling Doin' the Exorcist Thing
DMF Photography:
Peregrine Falcon Male Calling
DMF Photography:
Peregrine Falcon Female Rousing
DMF Photography:
Yellow Warbler Post-Bath
DMF Photography:
Yellow Warbler Post-Bath
DMF Photography:
American Snout Butterfly
DMF Photography:
American Robin Singing
DMF Photography:
Brown-Headed Cowbird
DMF Photography:
Question Mark
DMF Photography:
Eight-Spotted Forester Moth
DMF Photography:
Marsh Wren Singing
DMF Photography:
DMF Photography:
DMF Photography:
American Robin Juvenile with Berry
DMF Photography:
Wallkill National Wildlife Refuge, Sussex, NJ
DMF Photography:
Wallkill National Wildlife Refuge, Sussex, NJ
DMF Photography:
Banded Hairstreak
DMF Photography:
Question Mark
DMF Photography:
Silver-Spotted Skipper
DMF Photography:
Squirrel Just Chillin'
DMF Photography:
Common Tern & Chick
DMF Photography:
Peregrine Falcon Fledgling IF