DMF Photography:
DMF Photography:
Eastern Phoebe with Prey
DMF Photography:
Eastern Phoebe with Prey
DMF Photography:
Tall Ship on the Hudson
DMF Photography:
Tree Swallow Feeding Nestlings
DMF Photography:
View of Downtown Manhattan from Liberty National Golf Course, 14th Hole
DMF Photography:
Bed & Breakfast Inns: Angel of the Sea
DMF Photography:
Bed & Breakfast Inns
DMF Photography:
Canada Goose Tween
DMF Photography:
Canada Goose Family
DMF Photography:
Eastern Cottontail
DMF Photography:
American Oystercatchers IF
DMF Photography:
DMF Photography:
Mallard Male: Ugly, or Just Young?
DMF Photography:
Killdeers Mating
DMF Photography:
Inn of Cape May
DMF Photography:
Vintage Car
DMF Photography:
Vintage Car
DMF Photography:
Bed & Breakfast
DMF Photography:
Bed & Breakfast
DMF Photography:
Cape May Beach
DMF Photography:
Laughing Gull IF
DMF Photography:
Jetty Splash
DMF Photography:
Cape May Mural by David Dunleavy
DMF Photography:
Two-Meat Sandwich at Carnegie Deli
DMF Photography:
Jekyll & Hyde Club
DMF Photography:
DMF Photography:
The Soup Nazi
DMF Photography:
Mad Hatter Saloon
DMF Photography:
Mural at Mars Bar NYC