QAGUY: Ooooh I'mmmm Juuust Alooong foooor the Riiiiiide. Thaaanks for noooticing- That includes Jules' July Challenge
QAGUY: Uploaded for Jules’ July 22 Challenge
QAGUY: Uploaded for Jules' Challenge for July 23 - It's time for work. Just what is it that your minion does all day? Does he have a desk job or something a little more exciting?
QAGUY: Uploaded for Jules' Challenge -July 24 - Time to clean up around the house. What chores does your minion help you with?
QAGUY: Uploaded for Jules' Challenge- July 25 - Dinner (or lunch) with friends! Who does your minion invite over to share a meal? (This should be a home-cooked meal-no dining out!)