QAGUY: Where we live-View looking north from the porch- Tropico gold mine
QAGUY: 5/6 Your hair color? - Ya just haaaaaad to pick that one?
QAGUY: Challenge 5/7 Your Height - From the top of my head to the tips of my toes 6' 3 1/2"
QAGUY: Challenge 5/8 - The eyes have it
QAGUY: Challenge 5/9 Your Right Ear
QAGUY: Challange 5/10 - Your Left Foot - Well funny thing is, Umm, I happen to have two left feet, as you can see, my right left foot is larger than my left left foot and I don’t put polish on my right left foot.
QAGUY: Challenge 5/11 - Favorite Chair - Honestly, is there any doubt?
QAGUY: Jules Challenge 5/12 YOUR FAMILY - My Family is My Life
QAGUY: Challenge 5/13 -Your Pets a little late posting this, had cataract surgery on my left eye today. Took a long nap afterword.
QAGUY: Jules' Challenge 5/14 Your Zodiac Sign - Libra
QAGUY: Challenge May 15 - Favorite Drink
QAGUY: Challenge May 16 - Your Favorite Flavor Icecream etc.
QAGUY: Challenge May 17 - Your Favorite Color
QAGUY: Challenge May 18 - Your Sunglasses
QAGUY: Challenge May 19 - Self Portait - Me And Only Me