DMahendra: The Balad of Dudi Hermawan
DMahendra: Bari, Street Swiper
DMahendra: Sabrina, Street Performer
DMahendra: Ibu Sopiah, Rice Cake Seller
DMahendra: Another Broken Train
DMahendra: Arifin, Kiosk Owner
DMahendra: Tool of the Trade
DMahendra: Bend It Like Beckham
DMahendra: Dry Fields, Drought in Bogor Regency
DMahendra: Iqbal, A Boy with His Bicycle
DMahendra: Cassava Leaves
DMahendra: Chicken Talk
DMahendra: Rush
DMahendra: Details of an Old Steel Bridge
DMahendra: Children on The Tracks
DMahendra: Tracks to Sukabumi
DMahendra: Mr Suhaini, Becak Driver
DMahendra: Mr. Suhaini's Hut & Becak
DMahendra: Mr. Suhaini's Hut
DMahendra: Mr. Suhaini, Portrait
DMahendra: Garage
DMahendra: Straight Tracks
DMahendra: Shack Near The Track
DMahendra: Scavenger, Makshift Cargo, Bogor
DMahendra: Tin Ships, Bogor
DMahendra: Scans2: Tin Ships, Iron Gates, Bogor
DMahendra: Trains Inbound, Bogor
DMahendra: Third Class trains, Bogor
DMahendra: Dudi - Floor Sweeper
DMahendra: Portrait, Dudi. Bogor