BC'S4ME: bam-1
BC'S4ME: P1020689
BC'S4ME: A "FB" friend, from Ireland, with his Prize Winning "Lurchers", In Ireland.
BC'S4ME: Baylie, with hair blue
BC'S4ME: Getting ready to go out.
BC'S4ME: Kamen, with his "Botticelli" looking curls.
BC'S4ME: An older pic of Baylie, with "new blue" hair
BC'S4ME: New blue...
BC'S4ME: Brandon, looking slightly freakish
BC'S4ME: Siblings Brandon, Baylie, & Selina, (Butch, far left)
BC'S4ME: Cool 80's "Mullet"
BC'S4ME: My dad, Dennis McCann
BC'S4ME: Me, my Dad, & brother, Michael. May they both "rest in peace"...
BC'S4ME: Selina, playing in the yard
BC'S4ME: Baylie, posing with the "wild life"?
BC'S4ME: Just hanging out
BC'S4ME: Rollerskating Lessons
BC'S4ME: Baylie's 1st shooting lesson
BC'S4ME: Good shooting!
BC'S4ME: Sonny, our 45 year old Quarter Horse.
BC'S4ME: The twins, assaulting me...
BC'S4ME: My son, the Pope
BC'S4ME: Vallejo High School Softball Team, way back when..
BC'S4ME: Joan, at the ranch for a visit
BC'S4ME: More "Brotherly Love".
BC'S4ME: Holding my Morgan, before a show, with my cousin, Lisa Palacio.
BC'S4ME: Ouch!
BC'S4ME: Taking the hard way down
BC'S4ME: Another Selfie?