*wildbio*: Church with trails
*wildbio*: Best Saturday Night Ever
*wildbio*: IMG_7897
*wildbio*: Flammulated Owl - Otus flammeolus
*wildbio*: Coot Butt
*wildbio*: sand fringepod
*wildbio*: Ssssspooky Halloween Night
*wildbio*: Day 60
*wildbio*: IMG_9469
*wildbio*: startrails over adams
*wildbio*: Owl Eyes (Explore 2.25.2011)
*wildbio*: Grosbeak bath
*wildbio*: semi-palmated plover
*wildbio*: IMG_1099
*wildbio*: Rollin' on home to you
*wildbio*: Burrowing Owl Eyes
*wildbio*: SEOW
*wildbio*: Fire Storm
*wildbio*: Yellow Rumped
*wildbio*: Always keep one eye open
*wildbio*: IMG_1322
*wildbio*: American Bittern
*wildbio*: bluebird couple
*wildbio*: Coldwater Lake (Explore 3.30.2013)
*wildbio*: Caspian Tern against stormy sky
*wildbio*: IMG_5310
*wildbio*: On the hunt (Explore 3.04.2013)
*wildbio*: Under the milky way (Explore 8.19.2012)
*wildbio*: IMG_0017
*wildbio*: mono