dlw3838's pictures:
Downtown Winter Harbor.
dlw3838's pictures:
The Winter Harbor - Bar Harbor ferry.
dlw3838's pictures:
The ferry pulls in to the "terminal".
dlw3838's pictures:
Near Winter Harbor ferry terminal.
dlw3838's pictures:
On the way from Winter Harbor.
dlw3838's pictures:
The rocky Maine coast line.
dlw3838's pictures:
Norwegian Gem and the "other" ferry.
dlw3838's pictures:
The schooner Margaret Todd in Frenchmen Bay.
dlw3838's pictures:
The Norwegian Gem is in town.
dlw3838's pictures:
One of many tenders to the cruise ship.
dlw3838's pictures:
The catch is in.
dlw3838's pictures:
Ship in Bar Harbor.
dlw3838's pictures:
Lobstermen at work.
dlw3838's pictures:
A little advertizing!