dud5ers: Grave of William and Lydia Purr at Buxhall
Jan1ce: School Nook, Lea Bridge Road, Hackney
Fin Fahey: Old parish school, Lea Bridge
Steven K. Hearn: Canewdon, Essex
Smithsonian Institution: Uniformed Letter Carrier with Child in Mailbag
Addie-B: Jane and Grandpa, 1938
Rita was here...: "Why dontcha say dat again, Frankie, dis time ta my face, in fronna all 'a my friends?"
*CA*: Lisbon is, after all, a seaport
Mirror Image Gallery: Victorian Church Beauty
Buttons McTavish: 6 Generations. Mothers & Daughters (for Kathy)
Gail Durbin: Lady with a hat standing in a well cultivated back alley
Rita was here...: Salvation Army Reader
Addie-B: Little Napoleon
Neato1: Tomahawk River, NE Tasmania.
picturepast: Unidentified house c1910s Newcastle on Tyne photographer.
Addie-B: Robert on the Steps
buckaroo kid: where's woody?
Addie-B: More modest headwear
ohdaveyboy!: New Haven Green, 1953
mrwaterslide: Studio Portrait: Young Woman In Oval Cut-out, With A Lovely Wood-Grained Border
EastMarple1: "You Must Not Smile At The Camera, Girls" or "Les Miserables"
ShanMarFitz: First trip to the dentist.
LJMcK: Cousins
KindredSpiritUK: Felixstowe Fludyer Sept 1890
KindredSpiritUK: felixstowe Fludyer c1906
Addie-B: Young gent