Daniel Pasco: Dave arrives at WWDC
Daniel Pasco: Ian Baird at Tommy's
Daniel Pasco: Jonathan Wight
Daniel Pasco: Camping out for the Stevenote
Daniel Pasco: IMG_0132.JPG
Daniel Pasco: Jonathan Wight
Daniel Pasco: Tom Harrington
Daniel Pasco: Tom and Duncan
Daniel Pasco: Tom and Duncan
Daniel Pasco: Moscone Dawn
Daniel Pasco: Dave at the Stevenote
Daniel Pasco: Adrian!
Daniel Pasco: Manton Reese and Daniel Jalkut at the W
Daniel Pasco: Apple Bash Backdrop
Daniel Pasco: Apple Bash Backdrop
Daniel Pasco: Ash and Mike
Daniel Pasco: IMG_0147.JPG
Daniel Pasco: Ash Ponders and Mike Lee
Daniel Pasco: Ash Ponders, bitches
Daniel Pasco: Ash Ponders, Pondering
Daniel Pasco: IMG_0151.JPG
Daniel Pasco: Brent, Chris, and some serious flare
Daniel Pasco: Guy English (center)
Daniel Pasco: Chris Parrish
Daniel Pasco: IMG_0155.JPG
Daniel Pasco: Ken and Glen
Daniel Pasco: Ken and Glen
Daniel Pasco: IMG_0158.JPG