David Lozeau: This is my sketch for the piece I'll live paint this weekend at the La Jolla Festival of Arts...not a skelly in sight
David Lozeau: Working on the background for the rhino piece I'll live paint in #LaJolla this Sat & Sun
David Lozeau: Done with the background for my upcoming rhinoceros painting.
David Lozeau: Starting on the gouache underpainting of my rhino piece...I'll post progress pics all day
David Lozeau: A little progress
David Lozeau: A lot more underpainting to do...rhinos require a lot of rendering
David Lozeau: Done with the #rhino underpainting, time to work on the #bird. "Huh, that's odd. I thought that would be big news." #FamilyGuy
David Lozeau: Starting on the enamel line work
David Lozeau: Quick lunch break & then back to painting my rhino
David Lozeau: Stopping here for the day...I'll be back to live #painting in #LaJolla tomorrow 10a-5p
David Lozeau: Last day for the #LaJolla Festival of the Arts @LJFestivalofArt, 10a-5p on #WarrenField by #UCSD. I'll paint my new #rhino piece all day.
David Lozeau: I'll be painting my rhino all day at the @LJFestivalofArt in #LaJolla. Swing by & check out the 200+ artists!
David Lozeau: Oh, have you not heard? It was my understaffing that everyone had heard.
David Lozeau: Oh, have you not heard? It was my understanding that everyone had heard.
David Lozeau: I'll ask you this only once...do you or do you not know about the bird?
David Lozeau: A few more hours of painting left to do, right down the middle
David Lozeau: Rhino eye
David Lozeau: Almost done #painting my white #rhino piece in #LaJolla
David Lozeau: Painting some of the smaller details now, but I'll be done with this within the hour. Boom!
David Lozeau: Done painting my rhino! I'll clear coat it and build the frame this week.