David Lozeau: Just starting on the background of the new piece I'll live paint in Tucson this weekend...
David Lozeau: A little more progress on my new background (for the oceanic piece I'll live paint in Tucson this weekend)
David Lozeau: Done with the background for my new oceanic piece...I'll paint it in Sat & Sun in Tucson
David Lozeau: Starting on the gouache underpainting of my new oceanic piece...Neptune & his seahorses are up first
David Lozeau: Making some progress
David Lozeau: Lots more underpainting to do on this one...
David Lozeau: Done with the gouache, ready to tackle the enamel line work...after lunch ;)
David Lozeau: A little seahorse sneaky peeky
David Lozeau: Taking a quick break, but I'll get back to painting in a few minutes
David Lozeau: Stopping for the day--I'll start painting again at about 10a PST tomorrow
David Lozeau: I'll be painting all day in Tucson...cruise by or watch the progress online
David Lozeau: Lots of painting left to do, but it's moving right along
David Lozeau: Close-up of my painting progress of Neptune (the character, not the planet)
David Lozeau: About two hours of painting left...quick break & then I'm going to drop the hammer
David Lozeau: I couldn't quite finish painting this oceanic/mythological piece today, but I'll get it done in the studio & build the frame this week!
David Lozeau: No sleep for the wicked! Home from AZ and back in the studio working on Neptune....
David Lozeau: Finished..... And now we start sorting out the frame. Better pics coming soon!
David Lozeau: In the wood shop working on the Neptune frame.... Sneak peak...
David Lozeau: Test fitting my new painting in the frame I built today--the Shipping Department is not impressed
David Lozeau: My finished Neptune painting in its new custom frame...giddyup!
David Lozeau: The other half of The Shipping Department...also not impressed with my latest endeavor
David Lozeau: Neptune (detail) by David Lozeau
David Lozeau: Neptune (detail) by David Lozeau
David Lozeau: Neptune (detail) by David Lozeau
David Lozeau: Neptune by David Lozeau
David Lozeau: Neptune (detail) by David Lozeau
David Lozeau: Neptune by David Lozeau