David Lozeau: Making art...and a mess...
David Lozeau: Done with the dragon underpainting (gouache)--ready to start on the enamel line work
David Lozeau: Made some progress, but now I'm breaking for dinner because the dragon said so
David Lozeau: Finished my dragon painting...18x8 Acrylic, Gouache, & Enamel on Clayboard ($750 unframed)
David Lozeau: Regardless of all the fun and shenanigans, I still painted up a lot of smalls this weekend in WA!
David Lozeau: Excited about my new dragon painting...I finally got to use this very old Balinese wood I got years ago for the side trim!
David Lozeau: River Dragon by David Lozeau
David Lozeau: River Dragon by David Lozeau