David Lozeau: Built this frame for the piece I'll live paint this weekend at the #OldTown Art Festival in #SanDiego
David Lozeau: I built the frame, painted the background, & now I'm working on the underpainting
David Lozeau: Done with the white gouache, on to the colors
David Lozeau: Making progress...I'll take a break for lunch soon, but I'll be live painting most of the day in #OldTown #SanDiego
David Lozeau: Back to painting--starting on the enamel line work
David Lozeau: Taking a quick break, but here's where I'm at with my skully horsey painting so far
David Lozeau: Line work galore
David Lozeau: Calling it quits for the night (close-up of the horse skull)...I'll start back up on this painting tomorrow at around 10:30am PST
David Lozeau: I'll be live painting at my booth full o' art & prints all day in #OldTown #SanDiego, so swing by the Art Festival if you're in the area!
David Lozeau: Taking a quick lunch break & then I'll start painting the horse spine, mane, and feathers
David Lozeau: Even skelly horses have a mane...lots of it
David Lozeau: I'm almost done painting my skelly horse...about another hour to go
David Lozeau: A closer look at my new horse painting (I should finish tonight)
David Lozeau: Thanks to everyone who stopped by my booth & saw me painting this at the #OldTown Art Festival in #SanDiego yesterday!