David Lozeau: Working on a new skelly couple sketch...I'll live paint it this Sunday in #SanDiego
David Lozeau: I finished my sketches & frames for this weekend's live painting in #SanDiego
David Lozeau: Prepping for this weekend's 2-day event in the Normal Heights area of San Diego...painting two backgrounds for two new smalls & I'll make the wood frames tomorrow
David Lozeau: These are the backgrounds & frames I made for the two smalls I'll paint on Sunday
David Lozeau: Starting on the gouache underpainting...awww, skelly love
David Lozeau: Finished the gouache underpainting in #SanDiego...time to detail this bad boy up with 1 Shot
David Lozeau: Painting up a storm? Yup. Melting in the sun. Yup.
David Lozeau: Making progress...but also selling ;)
David Lozeau: Taking a quick lunch break & then I'll finish painting this!
David Lozeau: Done and done! 11x14 Acrylic, Gouache, and Enamel on Clayboard in custom wood frame.
David Lozeau: Amor Eterno by David Lozeau