David Lozeau: Painting the background for my piece for the "Happy Little Trees: Bob Ross" group tribute show in Sept in Portland, OR. Busted out my fan brush & my burnt sienna! I'll paint the main image tonight or tomorrow.
David Lozeau: Working on the gouache underpainting for my piece for the upcoming Bob Ross tribute show
David Lozeau: Bob Ross painting in progress
David Lozeau: Bob Ross is starting to take form...
David Lozeau: Done with the gouache underpainting--I'll paint all of the enamel line work tomorrow
David Lozeau: Painting my piece for the Bob Ross tribute show in late Sept in Portland, OR
David Lozeau: A little more Bob Ross progress
David Lozeau: Painting Bob's pals
David Lozeau: Making my way down the canvas...probably another two hours of painting left to go
David Lozeau: Starting on the lettering
David Lozeau: Last bit of detailing before the final pic...about 1 more hour of painting
David Lozeau: Just a little cleanup to do and then the clear coat
David Lozeau: Test fitting the frame I made for my Bob Ross tribute piece before I ship it off to the group theme show (in Portland, OR in late Sept)
David Lozeau: Viva la Rossa: Bob Ross Tribute
David Lozeau: Viva la Rossa: Bob Ross Tribute
David Lozeau: Viva la Rossa: Bob Ross Tribute
David Lozeau: Viva la Rossa: Bob Ross Tribute